Artistic Metal Craft For Your Dream House Project.


Posted by Pete PJ on



It is common knowledge that tiles add that extra layer of beautification to any surface they merge with. Tiles have been in use for the longest time, but floor tiles have stayed the most popular.

In recent times, tiles have begun gaining more momentum in their usage in the house. Bathrooms, ceilings, and walls can now be decorated with different types of tiles to enhance the beauty and offer better protection.

The kitchen is no different. Gone are the days when kitchen walls were just made of bricks and paints or wall coatings and wallpapers. The use of wall tiles in your kitchen does not just provide beauty.

There are several more reasons why wall tiles have become popular in the kitchen. The benefits of tiling your kitchen walls are one too many to state. In this article, we will explore the use and importance of wall tiles in kitchen renovations, so buckle down and let us explain some of them as best we can.

Why do you need to tile your kitchen walls?

Just like bathrooms, kitchens are spaces that have high exposure to moisture and bacteria. Being a space for the expression of culinary prowess, the kitchen can get very messy. The walls lay vulnerable to humidity, fungus, odor, fire stains, and oil stains that can prove almost impossible to remove.

If your kitchen needs some renovation, or you just want to give it a facelift, wall tiles are a good way to start.

  • Cleaning is easy

Tiles are easy to clean because they do not accumulate dust or dirt. This is proof that even the toughest stains do not stand a chance. Using stainless backsplash for the walls around your cooking areas can make it easier to clean oil stains and other splashes.

  • Low porosity

Another reason why wall tiles are important is that they have layers that make them water absorbent and frost resistant. The kitchen breeds water most of the time. From the refrigerator, dishwasher, cooking and washing activities etc., water is bound to litter the space. Tiles have low water porosity, and water can be wiped off with ease.

  • Different designs to choose from

Tiles come in various designs, shapes and colors. You certainly would not run out of options to pick from. You can do your wall décor with cork wall tiles, copper tiles, 3D wall tiles and a host of other wall décor options.

If you prefer 3D wall décor or wall arts, you will require the services of someone with wall art experience to give your kitchen a truly unique wall décor. Purchase wall art sets and be creative with them. Wall art quotes, pink wall art, and other forms of wall art can be applied depending on your wall décor target and preferences.

  • Low maintenance

Tiles are very much little- or no-maintenance. Unlike marbles, they do not require any special maintenance, and they are very sustainable.


In conclusion, the use of wall tiles in renovating your kitchen is the best kind of beautification you can give your space to make it better looking and more comfortable for your cooking.