Bathroom wall decorations
1. Bathroom wall decorations
Bathroom wall decoration is not such a simple matter! All because of specific, humid
microclimate, for which you have to choose appropriate, “breathable” latex paints or water-
resistant wall murals. However, designers have a way to deal with it. Modern products on
interlining are extremely durable and covered with special coatings. To make sure that they
will stay in perfect shape for longer, it’s worth protecting them additionally with transparent
Wall murals and wallpapers designed for bathroom interiors will diversify every stylization
and breathe a new spirit into it – starting from Scandinavian spaces, going through
minimalistic, ending with glamour ones. Do you dream of effective decorations for a white
bathroom, which you want to add a bit of color? You’ve hit the jackpot here too! You can
choose from all sorts of patterns and colors – landscapes, floral compositions or fanciful
geometrical variations.
In addition, wall stickers for the bathroom can be an interesting option. Sometimes in a form
of decorative stencils, or as a colorful foil applied on the tiles, they will help you disenchant
the interior in a few moments. Or maybe you dream of classic decorations for your bathroom?
Paintings, especially reproductions of famous brush masters, are a great choice for elegant,
classic spaces. You don’t have to drill holes in the tiles to hang them. Now you just need to
buy a strong double-sided adhesive tape, and bathroom wall decorations will add decoration
to the interior in a few moments!
2. Bathroom windowsill decorations
If you can enjoy a bathroom with a window, be sure to breathe new life into your bathroom
windowsill! Bathroom windowsill decorations can be varied: starting from flower
compositions, going through impressive sea shells and natural stone decors, ending with
stylish details. Currently, extremely fashionable are figurines for the bathroom, preferably
those made of exotic wood. Following the tropical arrangements, which are very en vogue at
the moment, you can choose bird figurines, such as toucans, flamingos and parrots.
If you are wondering what kind of decorations to choose for your bathroom windowsill to
create an intimate, cozy atmosphere, the answer is simple: choose scented candles! Such decorations for the bathroom are wonderfully versatile, they smell beautifully, and their
flickering glow always helps you relax pleasantly.
3. Decorations for bathrooms without windows
If your bathroom is deprived of a daylight source, you can try to brighten it up as much as
possible. When choosing decorations for a bathroom without a window, opt for accessories
with a mirrored surface. These can be not only impressive mirrors, but also vases or furniture
in glamour style.
Another idea is to invite live flowers to the interior. Species such as ferns, orchids, arrowroot
or peace lily will find their place even in dark spaces. Remember that such natural bathroom
decorations enrich the interior microclimate, and at the same time ionize the air and add a
huge amount of freshness to the arrangement. Read more on bathroom decorations in the
article entitled What flowers to choose for your bathroom? We advise!
4. Bathroom decorations – flowers
If you are worried about the condition of natural species, there is a certain alternative –
artificial flowers for the bathroom. Once considered an uninteresting copy of natural plants,
nowadays they deceptively resemble them! All this thanks to high-quality materials that
perfectly reproduce real flowers, leaves and stems. But how to arrange such decorations in
your bathroom? You can treat artificial flowers just like natural ones and place them in pots,
bowls or baskets. To make green accessories for the bathroom look even more impressive,
make them into dense, multi-level compositions, which are now so popular among designers.
5. DIY bathroom decorations
Stylish bathroom decorations are not just details that you can buy, but also make yourself!
DIY bathroom decorations have the power to be perfectly matched to the bathroom space.
Some of the most popular trinkets that can be designed on a DIY basis are jars for soaps, bath
salts or cotton pads. Just decorate a few washed, dry jars with lace ribbons and glue small
seashells to them. Remember that transparent glass always looks great, especially with
colorful contents!
Another idea for bathroom decorations can be candle holders made from glass bowls and
sticks. Cover a round dish with small, preferably debarked twigs, reinforce the whole with
jute string and put a scented tea-light inside. A maritime atmosphere is guaranteed!
Of course, there are many other DIY bathroom decoration ideas out there – all you need is a bit of
creativity and a bit of DIY enthusiasm.